by Mia McKenzie
Today is International Tell Your Crush Day. When I heard about this, I got excited. I love crushes and I love talking about crushes just as much. I used to be the kind of girl who always told people when I had crushes on them, even when it was totally inappropriate. I don’t do that anymore. But I am still pretty straightforward about my admirations, attractions and desires. I’m an Aries, so, basically, I say whatever the hell I want pretty much all the time, including, “I have a crush on you.”
Just like it says on the ITYCD site, having a crush does not mean wanting to date someone. Crushing for the sake of crushing is super fun. My actual dating parameters (I only date visible people of color who are female-identified and in their mid-to-late 30s or early 40s who are not Libras, and I much prefer other Aries, Leos, Sagittariuses, Geminis and Aquariuses who are femme-presenting) eliminate many of the people I have crushes on as actual dates, but that doesn’t make the crushy feelings any less fun.
Because crushes are the best, right?! And QTPOC crush-love is magic and stuff! All that shortness of breath and heart-racing. All that trying to be cool while feeling more awkward than ever. All that daydreaming!
So, in celebration of International Tell Your Crush Day, I’m going to shout-out some of my current crushes. But I’m just going to use their initials, because it’s cute and mysterious and still just between us.
Okay, here we go:
Phew! Glad I got all that off my chest! 😉
(QTPOC! Post your crush initials on the BGD fan page! So, even if you can’t tell them, it’ll be out there in the universe!)
Mia McKenzie is an award-winning writer and the creator of Black Girl Dangerous.
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Get Mia McKenzie’s debut literary novel, The Summer We Got Free. It’s a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award!
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