Hey BGD readers! Thursday, May 9th is Give OUT Day! It’s a day for LGBTQ folks and our allies to come together for “24 hours of generosity.”
Black Girl Dangerous isn’t a part of it at all! Yeah, we missed the deadline. But that doesn’t mean you can’t donate to us anyway! Missed deadline or no, we’re still here doing all we can to amplify the voices of queer and trans* people of color!
So, on Give OUT Day, while you’re giving to a whole bunch of other amazing orgs and projects (which you totally should do), we encourage you to come over to our website and make a donation to BGD. Your money goes to supporting our writers, our workshops, and maintaining the BGD forum.
For more info and to donate to Black Girl Dangerous, go here: http://blackgirldangerous.org/donate/
For more info on Give OUT Day, go here: http://giveout.razoo.com/giving_events/giveout13/home