Can you help me support queer and trans youth of color by taking a selfie?
1) Watch a video about the impact of BGD’s Get Free Program For Queer and Trans Youth of Color here:
2) Take a selfie with sign that says, “If I had BGD Get Free as a youth… [fill in the blank with one sentence about the difference that having a program like BGD Get Free would have made for you as a youth]”. End sign with: #BGDgetfree
3) Tag two QTPOC friends on FB or twitter asking them, “If you had BGD Get Free as a youth, what difference would it have made for you?”
4) Ask them to view the Get Free video and support queer and trans youth of color by answering the question with their own selfie and request two other QTPOC do the same.
5) Include a link to our fundraising page (same place video is posted) in your post.
Support healing for queer and trans youth of color!